Friday, February 22, 2008

I want all of you to know, if you want outing.
jolly well COME. stop wasting my sms and everything.
And when i say spread, I mean it!
And if you got no money or whatsoever.
Save all your money aside before you come and ask for anything.
If not, stop asking for the idotic outings that waste my time and money.
I'm the one doing all the planning and everything.
And change the organizer please.
Don't expect me to have a perfect outing everytime.
Cooperate and spread and confirm with me if you want those perfect outings.
I don't have multi-hands and everything to do all the confirm all by myself.
Last, and never anymore. This gonna be the last one.
Go and think about it, and particular few.
Don't say as if i really please you, I just wanted everyone to go.
And people with stead, please stop telling me you are going out with stead.
Thats why you can't go. If you think your stead is worth more than the outing every few months once.
Don't be shock if we got outing but never call you.
So shut this reason up. Don't tell me ben got go.
As i say, he's in twentys, like duhhh. and he doesn't come out for ALL outings that we organize.
So don't pull me in any situation.
Think twice before you all start giving me all sorts of reason.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Common Test for most of you are coming up!
Study hard, No stress, Work Smart :D
All the best for everyone's common Test.
Keep aiming, Keep going on.
Along the way, take care of yourself :DDD
Valentine's day everyone must have lots of chocolate and stuff.
People who ate too much chocolate like me =X
Stop eating :DDD Heh, don't worry for me, I'm having phyiscal training tomorrow x.x
Take care people.

Once again, ALL THE BEST :DDD
& I need everyone to confirm with me whether are you guys going for steamboat by THIS THURSDAY!
Please spread around. Thanks :DDD
Don't ask me who to ask, JUST SPREAD TO THE WHOLE TWENTYS
get it?

juliaaaaaaaaaa #10

Saturday, February 16, 2008

hello! jacqueline here. that's the front for the teeshirt from the idea discussed during last year. the word stupid is your name, and the others remain. [:
hmm. got any prob, just leave a message on the tagboard.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Belated Valentine's Day
to all sisters and brothers!

can you guys believe it?
im actually posting here. hahas.
tink yesterday those who have stead have enjoyed themsleves.
those couples who hav been together for so long,
good for you! :D

anyways, i've got some love sentence here :

- True never lost.
- There is no tool like an old tool.
- Two souls with a single thought, two hearts that beat as one.

hahas. anyways,
hope to meet up soon! take care!

much lovess,

Sunday, February 10, 2008

hello :DDDD
hey, i'm gonna type in twit style. i hope i can make it. xDDD

hiie, peepoo, lets hiit kk-box on 23rrd obb febuarry, iits satturdayy.
iie hoope everii onne cann makke iit on dhat dayy.
annd obb cuus we miight be habbing steammboat.
jas habb been pesteriing miie aboout tiis.
plleasee doon't tell mwiie uu got no moneyy.
iits neww yearr, betterr doon't bullshitt wibb mwiie, okayyy?
we are habbing gatherring everii twiice a monthh.
dhee one who tell mwiie he oor shee habb noo moneyyy.
kindlyy go and banng urr headd on the wall. thankie yeww.

hey, typing in twit isn't easy, i hope you guys can understand. :DDD
oh my god! i'm not gonna turn into twits.
twits have serious broken english which i seriously don't understand!
and their double "ii" and "uu" makes me so fed up can!
i'm just giving a simple example of twiting.
i'm not a good twit, k? LOL!
oh, for your info, I HATE TWITS :DDD so don't worry.
ok, i will give you a clearer summary of the k-box thing.

Hello, people :D I would like to ask everyone to hit the k-box on 23rd of febuary.
Its a saturday. And i seriously hope everyone can make it.
We might/ might not be having the steamboat.
Jas had been pestering me regarding this. jasYEO for your info.
I would like everyone to pay $8 for the steamboat.
& bring $26 for k-box. for boys who want to play lan.
There's a lan shop beside k-box.
We will be going to hougang plaza's k-box.
Which ever the next son of the bitch person who tell me you have no money.
Please kindly bang on the wall and jump down the building.
Its chinese new year, mind you!
Don't bullshit with me you have no money.
Its not an excuse. Its only roughly twice a month.
Don't be such a destroyer and destroy the whole plan. Get it?

Oh yeah, i feel much better typing in proper english.
Remember, whichever GREAT person tell me no money.
Better don't let me see you...
I need my tee design to be in asap. Jacqueline tayyyyyyyyyyyyy! :DDD
ok, people, sms me or call me or msn me for more info if you want.

Date: 23rd Feb (saturday)
Time: 1pm at Hougang mall.
Going: K-box, (Lan for boys, if you want)
Dinner: Steamboat at JULIA NGA XINYUN'S HOUSE :D
Contact Julia for more information.

juliaaaaaaaaaa the superwoman xD

Monday, February 4, 2008


from now on jaschen have 2 numbers.
In case you cannot contact her, 8112____ number.
contact this number. 91344577.
She will be using both the number.
So contact her at either one.

juliaaaaaaaaaa :D

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Please note that we are going back to RVPS this wednesday.
For gathering/discussion of tee/discussion of next outing.
Please be there, so that everyone can have a fun time there.
People who don't want to go back for their school celebration.
Please contact JULIA NGA XINYUN :D
Cause i don't want to go back as well. =X

I shall see you guys on wednesday :D

Venue: RVPS school gate.
Time: 12.30pm. (or earlier)
Date: 6/01/08 (Wednesday)
We will be just slacking around after we went back to school.


juliaaaaaaaaaa <3