Friday, June 1, 2007


woohooo!!! haha. people did u guys have fun?
i bet so right? i dont c any reason y u all dont have fun. alrite. i tink i'm gonna clear all the names and make it a open blog to all people which is frm RVPS. haha. jac had been asking me about that.


but before anything. please be notice tat, tis blog only open for pupil frm 6B till 6G. which means the whole grp of US ONLY! so please dont call extras in and mess up the whole blog. THANKS LOTS! if u not sure who can be called. ask either of us. and if u have offically join us. i will put ur name and ur birthdate. so somesort of register to me too :)

next. i tink is time for some OUTING!!! right? haha. pls post or tag ur suggestion. and the date. some nice nice date. maybe we can make it. either on jas chen's birthday or amanda's birthday. EITHER 11th or 25th.
yup. please vote for the date u want.

and i nid to make notice to EVERYONE since tis blog will be open to most of the riverlites. so we had to change the blogskin and the URL of this blog. i will change it on 14th of june 2007 please take note :)

the link will be re-linked frm me. so if u guys have any doubts on the URL go to my blog and link frm my blog :)

choose the URL u want: http://rvps'

choose one. or post ur own. tell me the answer before 13th of june. the most votes will be the URL. thanks alot :)

JULIA' was here :)

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