Friday, March 30, 2007

hmmm. i will keep tis blog alive, somehow by posting more, jas and jac, do post more too. and and ,tell others abt tis blog, if not only the few of us. very sianx =X
erm, me, amanda, des might be going to do shirt for ourselves, and inside there will be all the names here. so if anyone are intrested wif the shirt, pls tell us asap. we might be able to help u do too. hmmm, next b'dae girl will be jac. so, lets think of some ideas for her b'dae. hahax, do tell me in private, dont post here. later jac noe liao not fun XD
alright. u guys want to organize some chalets or whatever during june holiday? since is coming very VERY soon. so any gd suggestion do tag on the board. ^^ thanks anyway.
juLia was here.

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